Labs of Elegant Mind Club
We have five laboratories at Knudsen Hall at UCLA Physics Department below.
- Knudsen 4-173 --- Central Lab for behavior experiments
- Knudsen A-154 --- Biology Lab
- Knudsen A-166 --- Tracking Lab
- Knudsen 4-162 --- Behavior Lab
- Knudsen B-171 --- Microscope Lab
- In addition, we are setting up a new user facility of OpenSPIM microscope at CNSI 2-144.
Knudsen 4-173 --- Central Lab
This is the home of the Elegant Mind Club. All the group meetings and discussion take places here. This room is also extensively used to train new students.
Knudsen A-154 --- Biology Lab
This is a small lab for biological sample preparation. We prepare our own samples of C. elegans here for all the experiments. We are currently developing many new types of sample preparations, such as (1) a cuvette with freely swimming C. elegans, (2) small compartments to observe embryonic development of multiple C. elegans separately.
Knudsen A-166 --- Behavior Lab
This is a new lab for various behavior experiments. We constantly develop different types of behavior experiments from scratch, test the basics concepts by observing the motion of freely behaving C. elegans.
Electric field stimulation (up to 10 V/cm)
Magnetic field stimulation (up to 10 Gauss)
UV / Blue light Stimulation
Temperature Gradient (Theremotaxis)
Acceleration (up to 10 G)
3D Motion
Knudsen B-171 --- Microscope Lab
This is the lab to develop advanced microscopes. This lab has two large air-floated optical tables to test new concepts of microscopes, and construct custom-made microscopes from scratch, based on physics principles. Once developed, the complete system will be installed as a user facility at CNSI (California Nano System Institute) on UCLA campus.
Bessel Beam Platform for 3D Imaging
Wide Field & Line Confocal Microscope
Knudsen 4-162 --- Photon Detector Lab
This laboratory is designed to test and develop advanced new photon detectors in general, including particle physics and bio physics. It is primarily used for photon detector development for dark matter research.
CNSI 2-144 --- User facility of OpenSPIM Microscope
This is a user facility at CNS, under development for all the users at UCLA. We have successfully installed the first sheet illumination microscope, developed by us in collaboration of RadiaBeam.
Open SPIM Microscope